National Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria in Rwanda.pdfNational Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria in Rwanda.pdf

This course intend to refresh health care providers about the national treatment guidelines of malaria in Rwanda. 

It third version of the national treatment guidelines of malaria in Rwanda with the introduction of artesunate in the treatement of severe malaria.
These guidelines highly recommend also compulsory laboratory diagnostic of all malaria cases including severe malaria in all age groups.

This  module aimed to equip participants on knowledge,skills ,attitudes on Project management  working in Health sectors and other health related project .The course will focus on :Project  planning,Project implementation,Project monitoring and evaluation, Project reporting system, Project compliance and audit and Monitoring and evaluation tools as well as Project design.

This module increase knowledge ,skills and attitude of nurses.

Prevent teen pregnancy

This module increase knowledge ,skills and attitude of nurses.

Prevent teen pregnancy